So Many Questions, Part IV

Are you still paying attention? We’ve gotten through the first, second, and third parts of this extremely long questionnaire. If you’ve stuck it out all week, bless you. Let’s keep it going…

61. Predict what your life will look like a year from now. I imagine that life will be very different from me this time next year. I’ll have probably changed careers once more, hopefully finding myself in a position where I’m able to be more creative. Maybe even writing. That’s the dream…Back to the Future - Roads

62. Often, people will ask how your last relationship ended. I want to know how it began. Well, that’s difficult to say. Since I’ve never been in a relationship. Cue the Price is Right “you lost” noise.

63. Where is your favorite place to go out and eat? Macado’s. I know the service can be spotty, especially at certain locations. Yes, I’m looking at you, Bluefield. But I just love it. Have you seen their menu? There are about 800 different sandwiches you can choose from. And I get the same one every time.

64. What is something you want to change about your current situation? I’d like to not have to worry about money anymore. And I’d like to not have to deal with paying off my student loans anymore. So I guess… more money, but not have to work an extra job to get it.

65. Early bird or night owl? Depends on the day of the week and who I’m with. More often than not, considering the fact that I have to be at work an hour away from my home by 7:30 a.m., early bird.

66. Are there any childhood possessions you still hold on to? I believe I mentioned somewhere in the earlier questions that I’ve been accused of lacking a “sentimental bone” in my body. So, no, I don’t have any childhood possessions. I held onto my He-Man action figures for the longest time. But a few years ago, before moving back from North Carolina, I gave them to the children of a friend of mine. Apparently, the youngest had a blast with them for a while. I shouldn’t assume she still does, however. That was five years ago. But, then again, who wouldn’t have a blast playing with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe?He-Man

67. Give me an unpopular opinion you have. I really enjoyed Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

68. What was the last song that was stuck in your head? The theme song from Animaniacs. Because I’ve been watching it on Netflix a lot since they added it a few weeks ago.

69. Where do you live? Be as general or as specific as you want. Blacksburg, VA

70. Do you believe in giving kids medals and trophies for participation? No, I don’t. I believe that giving out trophies for 9th place is just a symptom of what’s wrong with our society and only serves to make things worse for future generations. We are so obsessed with making everyone feel good about themselves that we just have to reward mediocrity. I see it all the time in my job, and am even guilty of it myself. But there’s really no way around it. Kids that I work with have so much difficulty just conforming to expected classroom behaviors that they are required to be rewarded any time they behave just as well as any of the other kids. Meanwhile, some of the best-behaved kids in school go ignored because they’re already doing what they’re supposed to do. It’s kind of irritating knowing that I just keep that system going.

71. What was the longest car ride you’ve ever taken? Drove all night to get to Boston in time to try out for season 5 of American Idol. Alone. Long road trips are so much more fun when someone else is in the car. But that time it was just me.

72. Have you ever taken part in a protest? Nope

73. Would you ever use an online dating service? If I felt like paying $30 a month for a computer to find me a date, sure. I argue that guys should be able to join those sites for free, though. I mean, we are expected to pay for dinner, right? Dating gets expensive if you have to pay a digital pimp to meet the girl, too. Just sayin’.

74. What is your ethnic heritage? Thanks to the genealogy that my uncle put together around the time my Dad passed away, I know that the majority of my heritage comes from German ancestry.

75. Describe a person that inspires you. I don’t think I’m someone who is easily inspired. Though, when I think about it, some of the simplest things have the ability to inspire me. Someone who has had a difficult life, but is able to pick themselves back up to keep fighting the good fight. That’s inspiring. Someone who tries to do what’s right without giving up, no matter the personal cost. That’s inspiring, too.

76. If you earn minimum wage doing what you love, would you keep doing it? There was a time when I would have said yes to this. Money is not the end all and be all of why anyone does anything for a living. At least, it shouldn’t be. The job I have now isn’t one that people get into to make money. I do it because I hope, in some small way, that I can make a difference. I’d love to say that what I get in my paycheck doesn’t matter, but it’s starting to more and more. That’s just the reality of being a grown up. There are responsibilities and bills that need to be paid. And the stress to income ratio is becoming unbalanced as time goes by.

77. Do you believe in luck? No

78 Describe the last time you were very angry at someone. I get irritated all the time. But that sort of anger is never really directed at anyone in particular. The last time I was truly angry at an individual was about 6 years ago when someone I hardly know told me he believed that my father (a man this guy never met) would be disappointed in me. I’m getting angry just thinking about it right now.Inside Out - Anger.gif

79. Do you want to live until you’re 100? Not if it means aging and losing control of my body and mind. Or if it means outliving all my friends. Not worth it.

80. Do people change? If so, how do you keep a relationship together when both of you start to change? I do believe that people are capable of change. However, I also believe that, at their core, people remain basically the same. I’m pretty sure I remember learning in one of my psych classes that our personalities finish forming by the time we’re toddlers. I could be wrong about that one. Any other psych majors out there, feel free to correct me. Relationships are tough whether the parties change or not. You often hear about relationships falling apart because one person felt they could change the other, but couldn’t. You hear about relationships falling apart because both people changed and grew apart. The important thing to realize is that people are people. If you want something to work, you have to work at it. Whether you’ve chosen to change or not, you have to make the choice to stay in the relationship or let it go. Either way, it’s up to you.

3 thoughts on “So Many Questions, Part IV

    • As you can tell, I’m world famous. So it went pretty spectacularly…

      Just kidding. I need to get around to writing something about that at some point. It’s really not an exciting story, but more involved than I should get into at the moment.

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