Question of the Week #388

From Gregory Stock’s The Book of Questions: What would you do if you found out that your closest friend was a heroin dealer?

Well, well, well. Imagine this: you’ve just discovered that your closest friend, the person you trust with your deepest secrets and darkest fears, is a heroin dealer. Talk about a plot twist, huh? It’s like finding out your vegan buddy secretly runs a slaughterhouse on the weekends. So, what would you do in this situation? Let’s dive in and explore this moral conundrum together.

First things first, I’d probably have a mini existential crisis. I mean, how well do we really know anyone? But once I’ve picked my jaw up off the floor, it’s time to confront my friend. I’d invite them over for a casual chat, maybe offer some tea and biscuits (because nothing says “serious conversation” like a nice cup of Earl Grey), and then drop the bombshell: “So, I hear you’ve been dabbling in the heroin trade. Care to explain?”

Now, here’s where things get tricky. If my friend confesses and shows genuine remorse, I’d encourage them to turn themselves in to the authorities. I’d offer my support, perhaps even accompany them to the police station (while maintaining a safe distance, of course – I don’t want to get caught in any crossfire). I’d remind them that taking responsibility for their actions is the first step towards redemption and that facing the consequences now is better than living a life of secrecy and guilt.

However, if my friend refuses to come clean and insists on continuing their illicit activities, I’d have no choice but to take matters into my own hands. I’d give them an ultimatum: either they turn themselves in, or I’ll do it for them. It’s not an easy decision, but sometimes tough love is necessary. I’d rather have my friend hate me for a while than watch them destroy their life and potentially harm others in the process.

Of course, this is all hypothetical. I’d like to think that I have better taste in friends than to associate with drug dealers (no offense to any heroin dealers reading this – I’m sure you’re lovely people). But life is full of surprises, and we never know what curveballs it might throw our way.

So, dear readers, what would you do in this situation? Would you confront your friend and try to persuade them to do the right thing? Or would you wash your hands of the whole affair and pretend you never saw a thing? Share your thoughts in the comments below – just don’t incriminate yourselves, okay? Remember, the internet is forever (and so are prison sentences).

In conclusion, discovering that your best friend is a heroin dealer is not a situation anyone wants to find themselves in. But if it does happen, it’s important to act with integrity and compassion. Try to guide your friend towards the right path, but be prepared to make tough decisions if they refuse to change their ways. And above all else, remember: friends don’t let friends deal drugs (unless they’re dealing in hugs and laughter – those are always acceptable).

3 thoughts on “Question of the Week #388

  1. I believe first I would confirm the facts and tell them it’s not acceptable to our friendship along with my feelings. Then, I would probably distance myself until all communication is cut off. I would probably tell the authorities anonymously, later. I wouldn’t want to be accused of being a Snitch and get myself or family in trouble.

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  2. That will be shocker for sure. Yes, the situation will have to be dealt with sensitively. Because solution shouldn’t become worse than the problem. — Pradeep /

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  3. I think that I would also do the same – I would confront them and either ask them to turn themselves in or do it myself (anonymously of course). But I also think maybe not? What if their friends track me down and take revenge on me? And also there was this one time I met a guy online and we became pretty close and he was a drug dealer and I did nothing so who am I to say? lol

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