101 Things That Make Me Happy

Joker - Smile to My FaceI’m stealing this blog post from Jess over at You’re Fine. But it’s okay. I told her I was gonna steal it. That makes it not stealing. It makes it an homage.

  1. Lunches with my coworkers
  2. Weird dreams
  3. Christmas
  4. Teddy Grahams
  5. Tuesday movies for only $6.00
  6. The cool side of the pillow
  7. The sound of my fan at night
  8. Hardcover books
  9. Snickerdoodles
  10. Writing
  11. Weekends at the lake
  12. Snowstorms
  13. My dad’s singing
  14. Carpool karaoke
  15. The joke that begins, “How do you catch a unique rabbit?”
  16. Star Wars
  17. Caramel Apple Spice
  18. Stephen King novels
  19. Old family photos
  20. Key Lime Pie
  21. Superman comics
  22. Coca-Cola
  23. Game nights with friends
  24. Clear nights and starry skies
  25. Mix CDs
  26. Letters delivered by mail
  27. Memories of Bluefield College
  28. Harry Potter books
  29. Unfrosted strawberry Pop-Tarts
  30. That feeling after I’ve brushed my teeth in the morning
  31. Being re-tweeted
  32. Scavenger hunts
  33. Sleeping late
  34. Climbable trees
  35. Laughing babies
  36. Road trips with friends
  37. Getting a haircut
  38. Taking pictures
  39. Paddleboats
  40. Old school Nintendo games
  41. Reunions of military men and women with their families
  42. Thank you notes
  43. Teaching the kids at church
  44. Rivermill tater tots
  45. Jeff Noble‘s jokes… even the really bad ones
  46. Fireflies
  47. Fireworks
  48. Roller coasters
  49. “It Is Well With My Soul”
  50. Crossing items off my to do list
  51. Being the first to call shotgun in sight of the car
  52. Movie quotes
  53. Lemonade
  54. Birthday parties
  55. Summer in Blacksburg
  56. Otters
  57. Super Mario Kart
  58. Songs from animated Disney movies
  59. Mamaw’s macaroni & cheese
  60. Episodes of Friends
  61. Making others laugh
  62. Cookouts
  63. Comic book movies
  64. Macado’s
  65. Puns
  66. The blogging community
  67. Monopoly
  68. Snow days
  69. Vacations
  70. Back to the Future
  71. Movie nights with friends
  72. Olympics
  73. Bungee chairs
  74. Reading until I’m too tired to keep my eyes open
  75. Pizza with chicken and sausage
  76. Old yearbooks
  77. Trampolines
  78. Amusement parks
  79. Figuring out that a girl was flirting with me after the fact
  80. The ink-stained teeth of Gabriel Martin
  81. Bonfires
  82. The Krispy Kreme hot light
  83. Fresh strawberries
  84. The old Folgers coffee jingle performed by Rockapella
  85. Big Brother
  86. Knowing I’m usually the funniest guy in the room
  87. Breakfast for dinner
  88. Home remodeling shows
  89. Final Fantasy games
  90. The songs of the Eagles
  91. The Mill Mountain Star
  92. Loaded potato soup
  93. Chuck E. Cheese
  94. Warm cinnamon rolls
  95. Throwing darts
  96. Getting a Snapchat (is that the right terminology?)
  97. Reading comments on my blog
  98. Hammocks
  99. Drawing
  100. The way penguins run (because that was my favorite on Jess’ list)
  101. Dalmatians (because Paul pointed out that this was an easy joke to make)

17 thoughts on “101 Things That Make Me Happy

  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa. First of all, I’m appalled by #29. WHO THE HECK LIKES UNFROSTED POP TARTS?! I know you said strawberry specifically but, any unfrosted pop tart holds no purpose.

    #41. I can’t help but cry every time I see a video of this.
    #79. It’s always, always, always after the fact, isn’t it?
    #101. Paul got his joke, thank goodness!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Pingback: 101 Things I Like | The Captain's Speech

  3. Pingback: 101 things  – rosiestakeon

  4. Pingback: 101 Things I Dislike | The Captain's Speech

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