Question of the Week #387

From Gregory Stock’s The Book of Questions: If you could release viruses engineered to extinguish any three species you wished, what animals or plants would you get rid of? Are there any you’d like to wave goodbye to but wouldn’t because of environmental or other concerns?

Did we learn nothing from Star Trek IV?! Who knows what sort of repercussions we could be facing hundreds of years from now if we eliminate any given species.

Though, if I really think about it… Mosquitos. For sure… Let’s get rid of the mosquitos. I mean, what is their purpose in this world? At best, they’re blood-sucking parasites that cause us to break out in itchy sores wherever we are bitten by them. At worst, they transmit horrible plagues upon humanity. Do we really need mosquitos around? Wouldn’t the world be better off without them?

And what about poison ivy? No, I’m not allergic to it myself, but many people are and exposure to that stuff can lead to painful, itchy, blotchy patches on your skin. Again, I ask, what purpose does it serve? If it turned out that poison ivy was the only food source for the mysterious sasquatch, I’d say let’s keep it. But we all know that Bigfoot is omnivorous.

I can’t really think of a third thing to get rid of. And maybe we shouldn’t get rid of those first two. Again, one can’t know the sort of butterfly effect that would come about because of one of these species’ absence.

But I’m interested to hear your thoughts. If such a virus were engineered, what plants or animals would you like to see hit the extinct list? Let me know in the comments!

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