Question of the Week #387

From Gregory Stock’s The Book of Questions: If you could release viruses engineered to extinguish any three species you wished, what animals or plants would you get rid of? Are there any you'd like to wave goodbye to but wouldn't because of environmental or other concerns? Did we learn nothing from Star Trek IV?! Who knows … Continue reading Question of the Week #387

The Best Movies from My Third Decade

I mentioned yesterday that I would be traveling today. I think I mentioned it... If I didn't, I spent most of the day today driving home from a week of much needed vacation. Now that I'm home, I find that I really don't have time to watch this week's movie as planned. So I figured … Continue reading The Best Movies from My Third Decade

The Best Movies from My First Decade

It's been almost a year, but I got this idea back when Dom over at Fairly Professional wrote a post titled, "A Movie For Every Year I've Been Alive." It was a post I thought I'd get around to when I finished going through my personal Top 100 Movies of All Time. But then I … Continue reading The Best Movies from My First Decade

My Favorite Movies #22 – Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 1982 Directed by Nicholas Meyer Quick synopsis... To escape his desk job, Adm. James T. Kirk (William Shatner) returns to the USS Enterprise, assisting Spock (Leonard Nimoy) in a training mission for Starfleet cadets. But the inexperienced crew is put to the test when escaped villain Khan (Ricardo Montalban) steals … Continue reading My Favorite Movies #22 – Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

5 Sequels That Are Better Than the Originals

I know... I'm one of those guys who likes to complain that Hollywood can't come up with any original ideas anymore. But I get it... I really do. Sequels are easy. And when a studio sees that a movie has made a ton of money at the box office, why not green light a follow-up … Continue reading 5 Sequels That Are Better Than the Originals

Why You Should Watch The Orville

The Fox network has been home to a few shows created by Seth MacFarlane. If you know that name, it’s most likely you’re aware of his animated creations in Family Guy and American Dad. He was also the creative mind behind Ted and its sequel, Ted 2. Looking at the projects mentioned above, it would … Continue reading Why You Should Watch The Orville

My Favorite Movies #95 – Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek: First Contact 1996 Directed by Jonathan Frakes Netflix says... The Borg have time-traveled to Earth's past to prevent the first contact between humans and Vulcans, which resulted in the Federation's birth. Bent on revenge, Picard follows the Borg to the 21st century. Is it possible to watch and enjoy this movie without some … Continue reading My Favorite Movies #95 – Star Trek: First Contact

Question of the Week #125

Assuming that complete recovery were instantaneous, would you be willing to accept a year of complete paralysis below the neck to prevent the otherwise certain extinction of the blue whale? Not to sound heartless or anything, but no. According to this article, scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird, and mammal become extinct … Continue reading Question of the Week #125

My 10 Favorite Movies of 2016

I've mentioned Flickchart on here before, right? Well, the quick sales pitch is that it's a way to rank your favorite movies. The site gives you two movies and you pick the one you like better. From that, you can eventually develop a pretty good ranking of all the movies you've seen. I've seen a … Continue reading My 10 Favorite Movies of 2016

Question of the Week #65

When you tell a story, do you often exaggerate or embellish it? If so, why? Of course I do. Life's more fun when you embellish. But, seriously, you've probably read my blog... I'm sure it's not difficult to pick up that a lot of the stories on here are exaggerated to some degree. Not all … Continue reading Question of the Week #65