10 Movies I’m Anticipating in 2018

I love movies. And I’ve taken time to look ahead at the year to come. There are a lot of movies coming out that I’m going to want to see when they hit theaters. However, I’m not made of money. So there’s a good chance I’ll miss a good bit of them until they hit Netflix or Hulu. But the following list is made up of 10 movies that I will go out of my way to see when they’re released.

Aquaman.gif10. Aquaman
It’s possible that this one is only on my list because it’s a DC Comics movie. But, here’s the thing… Khal Drogo’s Jason Momoa’s portrayal of Aquaman in Justice League was pretty awesome. No longer is Aquaman the joke of the Super Friends. He’s not just the guy that talks to fish and rides a giant seahorse. At this point, we’ve seen no footage, so who knows. But I feel like we can be more optimistic about the DC cinematic universe thanks to Wonder Woman.

Incredibles 29. The Incredibles 2
Why have we waited so long for this movie?! We’ve gotten two sequels to Cars! What has been the hold-up? I can only hope that good things come to those who wait.

Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.gif8. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Most of my desire to see this is still fallout from my love for the original Jurassic Park. And, although I’ve heard that people had a lot of complaints about Jurassic World, I enjoyed it. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but it was entertaining, as are most big budget blockbusters these days. And as long as a movie is entertaining, they get my money.

A Wrinkle in Time.gif7. A Wrinkle in Time
This was one of my favorite books as a kid. I’m thinking of re-reading it again before the movie comes out. Disney tried to make this into a made-for-TV movie several years ago. And it was awful. Hopefully, this time around, a bigger budget and some star power in the form of Oprah Winfrey and Reese Witherspoon will do it justice.

Black Panther.gif6. Black Panther
Am I wrong in thinking that this is the first serious movie with a black super-hero in the lead role? I mean, we’re not counting Shaquille O’Neal as Steel, right? Black Panther’s role in Captain America: Civil War was a great way to introduce the character. Seeing him in his own movie and seeing how it ties into the Marvel Cinematic Universe at large is exciting.

Deadpool 2.gif5. Deadpool 2
I mean, did you see the first one? It was a perfect mix of humor and gratuitous violence. Everything Deadpool should be.

Fantastic Beasts 2.gif4. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Having read and watched through the entire Harry Potter series multiple times, it would be foolish not to look forward to new material from the wizarding world. Although… Harry Potter and the Cursed Child should have probably taught us to be cautious.

Solo.gif3. Solo: A Star Wars Story
It’s a Star Wars movie! And it’s Han Solo! I mean, it’s not Harrison Ford… And there have been a lot of behind the scenes shake ups with this thing… But it’s a Star Wars movie! And it’s Han Solo! As long as we get to see the Millennium Falcon make the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, I’ll be happy.

Avengers Infinity War.gif2. Avengers: Infinity War
It’s all been building to this. I feel like we say that about at least one Marvel movie every year…

Ready Player One.gif1. Ready Player One
This is my number one movie to look forward to in 2018 because the book was friggin’ amazing. It was such a fun read, filled with pop-culture references from the 80s that kind of made me wish I lived in the dystopic world where the OASIS exists. To see it on the big screen, directed by pop-culture icon Steven Spielberg, only makes the anticipation that much better.

So, those are my picks. Some honorable mentions are: Tomb Raider, A Quiet Place, Ocean’s 8, Ant-Man and the Wasp, M:I 6 – Mission Impossible, X-Men: Dark Phoenix, and Mary Poppins Returns. And these are just the ones I know about. I’m sure there will be some indie films that are released that I’ll regret not even hearing about until others have seen them and become indignant when they find out I haven’t seen them yet. I’m a big geek. I know. What movies are you looking forward to?

2 thoughts on “10 Movies I’m Anticipating in 2018

  1. There was that one knock-off black super hero movie with Will Smith… he played a drunk super hero… does that count?

    IS THAT THE IRON GIANT!!!?!??!?!! I love that movie!

    I’ve seen a preview for Ocean’s 8 and it looks pretty good. Granted, I’ve only ever seen Ocean’s 11, and wasn’t a huge fan…

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