
People of the internet… Bloggers and blog stalkers of all ages… I’m about to reveal something of a personal nature that I haven’t really talked to anyone about. I mean, there are one or two people who know what you’re about to read, but I haven’t figured out just how to tell my friends and the people I work with. I’ve always been better at expressing myself through writing than through speaking. I’m aware that some of those friends or family members will find their way to this blog post, either because they happen to check my blog or because they find the link on Facebook or Twitter and become curious enough to click and read. Maybe having those few see this, it’ll make it easier to actually talk to others in person. I just get anxious when I think about revealing news of this magnitude.Airplane - Nervous.gifReally, it’s been no secret that I’ve been looking for a new job lately. After years of working as a counselor in an elementary school and spending nearly two hours each day driving to and from work, I’ve grown exhausted. I’ve gotten burned out. While I love what I do and sincerely love working with the kids, I’ve known for a while that it’s time for a change.

Indeed, the last few months have presented me with a number of setbacks and more than a little discouragement. And I’m sorry if I’ve come across as whiny or complaining when I’ve fallen into some of that discouragement. But I’m pleased to announce that the discouragement is over. I’ve been offered a marketing position with a company which shall remain nameless at this time. It’s exciting because it’s something that I’ve never really done before. At least, not on a professional level. I’ll be part of a team that handles web articles, press releases, and social media for the company.

Let’s take a moment to think about what this means. This is all great news, right? Why would it be so difficult for me to let the people I’m close to know about it? Well… that’s because it’s not local. If you had asked me a couple months ago… even as little as a couple weeks ago… if I’d ever see myself moving away from my current location, I’d have said not a chance. But then it seemed like I just couldn’t catch a break when it came to moving forward. In my current position, moving up would require getting a masters degree and, honestly, wouldn’t be worth the time and money involved in getting that education for the increase in income and workload that would eventually come with it. And since I wasn’t having any luck in the local job market, I had to look elsewhere.

For that, it means between now and May 2 (my official start date), I’ll be looking for a new place to live and trying to figure out a way to move my belongings to the greater Baltimore area. Don’t worry, I’m not going to suddenly become an Orioles or Ravens fan, though it will be pretty awesome to live in a town that has professional sports teams. I can see myself taking in a few baseball games each season when the Yankees are in town, though.

One could say it’s been an exciting process, despite the bumps in the road that have led up to this. Thankfully, my employer-to-be was incredibly gracious when it came to my inability to drop everything and drive up to Baltimore for a face-to-face interview. And then she was also gracious about the spotty WiFi reception when I tried to teleconference from school (after hours) last week. But it all worked out. Thankfully they managed to catch all my witty remarks without needing to wait for the video to buffer. I was surprised at how quickly she got back to me with an offer. I got the call Monday. I said I would need to think about it, which she understood, considering the fact I would have to pack up and move to a strange city. But I called her back on Tuesday and accepted.

Once more, this is why I’ve felt so anxious about telling people throughout the last few days. Accepting this position means saying good-bye to people I’ve come to know and love during the last few years as I’ve gotten involved in church and the community. And it will mean moving away from family again. I’ve done all that before, but that doesn’t make it easier to do it again.

Let’s just say that I’m nervous and scared and crazy excited. I know next to nothing about Baltimore. I know no one who lives there, at least none of whom I’m aware. Yet I’m preparing to take this huge leap. And I’m pretty sure there’s no safety net beneath me if I don’t manage to land on my feet. But hey, that’s what life’s about, right? Taking the big chances. I quote Jessica Biel in the timeless classic Summer Catch: “If you want big rewards, you gotta take big risks!”

Usher - No Risk No Reward

I know this isn’t Jessica Biel. I couldn’t find a gif of that quote from Summer Catch. Usher will do.

So I’m pretty sure I’m gonna catch a lot of crap for this one… Did you find the hidden message?

7 thoughts on “Announcement

  1. Pingback: About That Last Post… – The Confusing Middle

  2. Pingback: The Confusing Middle’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2016 – The Confusing Middle

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