Popcorn Psychology – Indiana Jones

Welcome to another thrilling edition of Popcorn Psychology. This is that section of The Confusing Middle where we take a look at well-known movie characters and examine them from a psychological point of view. What makes them tick? Grab some popcorn because today we’re going to dive into the psyche of everyone's favorite archaeologist: Dr. … Continue reading Popcorn Psychology – Indiana Jones

Popcorn Psychology – Woody

Welcome to another mind-bending edition of Popcorn Psychology. This is that section of The Confusing Middle where we take a look at well-known movie characters and examine them from a psychological point of view. What makes them tick? Today we're going to mosey on over to the couch and analyze everyone's favorite pull-string cowboy, Woody. … Continue reading Popcorn Psychology – Woody

Popcorn Psychology – The Joker

Welcome to another intriguing edition of Popcorn Psychology! You don't need a psych degree to see that the Joker is one deeply disturbed individual. But it's fun to analyze his unique brand of madness through a psychological lens - especially when comparing and contrasting the three most iconic live-action portrayals on the big screen. Jack … Continue reading Popcorn Psychology – The Joker

Popcorn Psychology – Carrie White

Welcome to another edition of Popcorn Psychology, fellow film enthusiasts and psychology aficionados! Today, we delve deep into the mesmerizing world of cinematic psychology with a spotlight on one of the most iconic characters in horror film history - Carrie White, as portrayed by the brilliant Sissy Spacek in Brian De Palma's 1976 adaptation of … Continue reading Popcorn Psychology – Carrie White