
Because today is International Sculpture Day, our Sunday Scribblings prompt for this week is Sculpture. If you decide to write a post based on this week’s prompt, be sure to go back here and share your link so everyone can see how you interpreted things! Here’s what I did with it…

Okay… I’m actually not doing anything with this prompt. I’m making that choice.

It’s been a long, busy weekend and I’m typing this up from a crappy hotel room. I’ve got a post that will go up later to share more about the weekend, but for now, I don’t have it in me to come up with a post about sculptures.


Thanks to everyone who participated this week and shared your links! Please visit their blogs, give them a follow, and take a look at how they interpreted the prompt.

  1. Monty
  2. Renata Leo
  3. gigglingfattie

Be sure to come back on Wednesday for the next Sunday Scribblings prompt! Encourage other bloggers to challenge themselves with the prompt! Remember that there are no rules for what you write, other than responding to the prompt! You can write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose, biography, instruction… it’s all up to you!

Feature Photo by Sara Darcaj on Unsplash

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