
Because today is National Farm Animals Day, our Sunday Scribblings prompt for this week is Farm. If you decide to write a post based on this week’s prompt, be sure to go back here and share your link so everyone can see how you interpreted things! Here’s what I did with it…

With the #AtoZChallenge going on this month… I feel like I’ve been stretching my creative muscles a lot. Which leaves me looking forward to Sunday because it means I get to take a bit of a break.

With today’s prompt being Farm and with yesterday’s piece of the story mentioning Superboy and farm life, I seriously considered writing a quick “day in the life” kind of thing for Conner Kent and what it’s like for him on the Kent farm in Smallville. But I really don’t know anything about life on a farm… other than what I picked up from watching Smallville for all those years.

I’m certain Smallville depicted farm life 100% accurately.

And with this being the 100th Sunday Scribblings post on The Confusing Middle… I don’t know… I feel like I should put forth more effort or have more fanfare. I just don’t have it in me today. I’m already struggling with how I’m going to come up with tomorrow’s story for this month’s challenge.

I will say this… After 100 of these Sunday Scribblings prompts and posts, I am so grateful for each one of you who have participated throughout the past 100 Sundays. Whether you’ve just joined in on the fun recently or you were playing along early on and have stopped or you’ve been sticking around off and on the entire time, I am grateful that you’ve been willing to participate and share your thoughts based on these random words every week. You’re the best.

Thanks to everyone who participated this week and shared your links! Please visit their blogs, give them a follow, and take a look at how they interpreted the prompt.

  1. Monty
  2. Renata Leo
  3. gigglingfattie

Be sure to come back on Wednesday for the next Sunday Scribblings prompt! Encourage other bloggers to challenge themselves with the prompt! Remember that there are no rules for what you write, other than responding to the prompt! You can write fiction, non-fiction, poetry, prose, biography, instruction… it’s all up to you!

Feature Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

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