The Premio Dardos Award

I’m a huge slacker. I meant to follow up on this a couple weeks ago but then I didn’t. I’ve had a sticky note reminder sitting by my computer this whole time and I apologize for just now getting around to responding. I’d like to thank Raphaela at Hummingbird Redemption for nominating me for this award. Go by and check out her blog if you haven’t yet.Premio Dardos

The Premio Dardos Award exists to acknowledge the values that every blogger shows in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values every day. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.

Here are the rules…

  1. Include the Premio Dardos Award picture and the name of the person that nominated you (include a link to their blog).
  2. Nominate 5 other blogs and notify them!

These rules are easy. Usually there’s at least a couple of hoops they make bloggers jump through while accepting these things. Not that there’s a law that says you have to follow all the rules to the letter. I think these things are just fun, though. So here are my nominees…

A Momma’s View


Only Bad Chi

From Crazy With Love


3 thoughts on “The Premio Dardos Award

  1. Pingback: The Premio Dardos Award | only bad chi

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